“We cannot tempt fate without eventually getting scorched by it.” College life isn’t facile yet it’s only the beginning. We are still far from the end. Life is a cycle of felicity and sorrow. It is indeed ad infinitum until such time that life expires here on earth. Problems, burdens, and hardships will not cease amidst of our lives if God know that His creations cannot bear with it. It’s His own special way of nurturing his weak children to be strong and determined. They are not that Herculean and Titanic for us to surrender. We need not be made of stone, for this will hinder us from winning friends and loved ones who tend to support us in our shortcomings and pitfalls.
College life is also a realization of God’s love. It is a sacrament that serves as a visible sign how much God cares for us by giving us our friends, family and the school community. It is worth to muse on our memories, experiences and lessons that we’ve got in view of the façade of our school building.
According to George Sheehan, “Happiness is different from pleasure. Happiness has something to do with struggling and enduring and accomplishment.”
By this, are we in happiness or in pleasure? Aside from the graduation as our achievement, have we proven something to ourselves by doing the best of what we can? Have we given “consuelo” to our parents whom by the aim of bringing us to growth and new pedestal of life, chose to sacrifice their time and effort? Some even left the country in search of what could bring a brighter future for us. They even chose to live in chaos than to live with their families. It is like leaving their heart to the place where their family is, while their body is seeking for what can nourish their established family. The best gift that we could give our parents is showing them that we grew out of their efforts and that they where right to sacrifice their own happiness in order to send us to school.