Friday, February 17, 2012


First I saw him at our school a year ago. To tell you frankly I was just amazed because he's the typical boy every girl would appreciate including me. This may not sound that I am struggling but I would do everything just to be his friend. Later I found out that I have a strange feeling for him. Every time he goes along my way I make sure that I'm presentable and wear a smile. I never expected that this strange feeling of mine could turn my life topsy-turvy. There are times that I notice that he's depressed. So I'm having a hard time thinking what is boggling in his mind. I may not feel this way of being of being jealous of girls linked to him. Even though it seems farfetched. I'm hoping that someday he'll notice me. I always pray that he would return my feelings if not just as a friend. Funny, but I don't seem to care about what others say. All I care about is what I feel inside which indeed and caring love, put in good words. Can you imagine it in any other way? Who in pete's name could fail to notice those creamy skin, doe eyes, cherry-red lips and a mound of silky auburn hair?

If I could write a poem it would be for him. It would be entitled the "Ode for Skyler". If I could express what I feel in a thousand words I would start with ironic, insatiable, light, steamy, rewarding and very fulfilling. Fulfilling in a sense that I feel so warm with the feeling. That is how exactly I feel. I don't know if you can call this love, maybe more than just love. I can't express how I feel truly, but I tell you. I would love SKYLER till eternity.

I wish we could get a lot closer and we could know each other more. I don't know if it is due coincidence that when I feel blue and down he's always around. You may find it ironic that I, a simple human being, could give him more love than those beautiful girls around him.

Why do you think? Am I destined for him?

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